
Hello it is me. The one who started the big red fridge almost 23 years ago. I wanted to stay at home with my new born daughter and not have to go to work, but didn't want to impose all the responsibility on her dad who worked his ass off for us already.

So I started with eBay, when eBay was not swamped with big box stores and you could find mystery boxes and space on people's foreheads for advertising tatoos.

I made a decent income but it was a lot of work and in the end I returned to working in the workforce around my significant others schedule. 

I contributed and he did too... but I didn't stop pursuing so many different types of online businesses and here I am nearing the end of my working career I hope, looking to generate some online streams of income that can carry me into retirement and a permanent state of travelling. 

I hope you will join me on the journey as I explore what is out there. 

I am also on a journey to better health, and I need accountability partners for that. 

I am also on a journey to explore this whole wide world I have not yet explored. 

Come follow along my rants, raves and random ramblings ... I promise they get better than this. 

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